Helicopter Flight School in Texas
Epic's core curriculum received a complete makeover in 2017, re-designed entirely from the bottom up with the sole focus of how to best cater to efficient student progression and do so safely. Our new approach is specifically designed to ease training choke points and learning plateaus, especially at the private pilot level. We have taken special focus on development of commercial course level students with job-specific elective courses to not only help students decide what industry jobs most interest them, but also to better prepare our students for real-world work. We provide our students with the technology, people and skills to produce safety-minded, confident and competent aviators - and we do so with the highest level of integrity and safety. Read what Vertical Magazine has to say about our newly redesigned curriculum.
We Produce Safety-Minded, Confident & Competent Aviators. We Invite You to Become A Product of Instructional Excellence.
Become an Epic Student
Professional Pilot Program
If you are looking to make a career flying helicopters, succesful completion of the Professional Pilot Program is the key to your success.
Course Listing
Private Pilot License
The Private Pilot license is the first license all helicopter pilots earn. It's the foundation you will build upon for all other certificates. Being a Private Pilot allows you to share your passion of flight by flying your friends and family around, so long as it is not for hire. If you wish to own a helicopter, the Private Pilot license is the minimum certification. This course is also the first course for any student enrolled in the Professional Pilot Program. If you are looking to add-on a private pilot rating to an existing pilot certificate, please see Additional Ratings.

Additional Ratings
Add a helicopter rating to your existing pilot certificate. We make this as easy as possible on you. Because each pilot has a unique scenario or training goals, we recommend all add-on students schedule a consultation with the Flight Academy Manager to evaluate their existing knowledge and pilot experience. With this information, we can make recommendations on the most efficient and cost-effective way to achieve your goal.
Course Listing
Advanced Training
From Airline Transport Pilot to our special preparation courses, a variety of advanced training is offered such as external load, night vision goggles, full down autorotations, mountain flying and more.
Course Listing
Recurrent Training
Recurrent training includes Flight Reviews and the comprehensive Pilot Refresher Course, which are taught in your choice of the Robinson R22, R44 or R66 helicopters.
Course Listing
Transition Training
We offer many courses designed for pilots transitioning into Robinson airframes seeking pilot-in-command privileges. Also, our Turbine Transition Course is insurance approved and perfectly suited to transition pilots with no turbine experience or pilots with existing turbine experience needing a transition into the Robinson R66.
Course Listing